Fine Line Water Erasable Pen
Pen is perfect for Brazilian
embroidery, silk ribbon embroidery, surface embroidery. Pin-point tip
produces a very fine line. Do not iron over marks before they are removed as
they will be set by the heat.
♥N6643 $5.69
Water Soluble Marker - Fine Point
Pen is perfect for Brazilian embroidery, silk ribbon embroidery, surface
embroidery. Fine-point tip produces a very fine line. Do not iron over marks
before they are removed as they will be set by the heat.
All JDR patterns & designs are copyrighted for JDR Brazilian Elegance. The
designs presented for any other designer on our web site are also copyrighted by
the individual designer. No part of this material/website may be reproduced in
any form, in whole or in part, by any means-mechanical, electronic, graphic,
downloading, photocopying, photographing, tracing or means yet to be discovered
without written permission.
Prices are subject to change with out notice