JDR Brazilian Elegance |
North Dakota Requires that we have an updated resale license number in our files. Please fill out and return the following information along with a copy of your resale license, a business card, and a canceled check with the business name on the heading. Name of license owner:___________________________________________________ Business Name:_________________________________________________________ Your Resale License Number:_______________________________ State Issued:________ Phone :_________________________ Business Phone:________________________ Mailing Address:_________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ E-Mail Address:___________________________________________________________ Web Site Address:________________________________________________________ Shipping Address, if different:_____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I AM IN THE BUSINESS OF SELLING THE FOLLOWING: EMBROIDERY SUPPLIES:________BOOKS _______THREADS______ PRINTS OR KITS ______NOTIONS______AND OTHER EMBROIDERY SUPPLIES_______ Initial Each line that applies. ALSO CERTIFIED: THAT THE ABOVE MERCHANDISE WILL BE RE-SOLD IN THE SAME FORM. I understand that any item purchased from JDR Brazilian Elegance that is used for personal purposes are to be purchased at retail costs. I certify that the above license is for the purpose of reselling products purchased from JDR Brazilian Elegance. It is understood that I may be required by the sales and use tax law to report and pay appropriate use tax in my own state. ________________________________________________________________________________ Signature Title Date **** Required that all fields be filled. |
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